วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Myself and AEC.

     This is my speech script that I used on February 8th,2013. I hope it'll be helpul, if anyone can read it so I post it here. 

I admit that I never aware of the importance of the AEC until I attended the seminar which was held at our university last year and NOW I have a better understanding that the AEC is meant to be united the ASEAN countries as one community and transform it into a single market and production base. However, more than half of my friends don’t know about this and some of them even never heard of it. This is a bad sign. Time is running out because it’s only 2 years and 10 months left before the AEC begins in 2015.  

That brings us to the Question that “Are we ready for the upcoming AEC?” In my opinion, we’re not ready yet.” But I think if we prepare ourselves thoroughly, the AEC would not affect us that badly and we may even find good opportunities from it.  

I’ve been preparing myself since I’ve known what the impacts of the AEC on my life will be. For me, I see the AEC as a new challenge and experience. If I want to get benefits from the AEC, firstly, I have to change my point of view. I have to aware that only a bachelor’s diploma is not enough because when the AEC has come, the competitions will not be just in Thailand anymore.  Citizens from other ASEAN countries will come to work here. Jobs may be harder to find in Thailand and easier elsewhere. If I don’t want to get left behind, I have to find a way to increase my job opportunities. I also have to accept and respect cultural diversity, learning about other ASEAN countries’ cultures, histories and languages because I will be working with and for people from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds. I also have to forget all of Thai’s working styles and behave in a way that shows respect for other people’s cultural practices and beliefs.

By the way, foreign languages are still the 1st first thing that we need to consider, particularly English, because it will be the language for communication and business in the AEC. Except for Thailand, citizens in ASEAN countries can speak fluent English and citizens in CLMV countries which include Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam can also speak France and Thai. This makes us being in a disadvantage position. This is our huge problem. If we want to catch up with them, there are 2 certain things that we must do.
1.      We should improve our English skills immediately. I think that in the next few years every field of work needs persons with mastering English. That means the better skills in English we have, the more opportunities we’ll get and
2.      We should learn about ASEAN languages. I think I’m lucky that I’ve learned some of Bahasa Melayu or that will benefit me to have an opportunity to work in Malaysia and Brunei because they use the same language and here are some examples of common conversation in Bahasa Melayu.

Awak berasal dari mana?  - Where are you come from?

Saya berasal dari Thailand- I come from Thailand.

How’s that? You see it’s not that hard to learn. I can do it and so do you.

Now I’ve come to the conclusion, with the fast approaching AEC, I may encounter both opportunities and crises.  If I have a high flexibility to adjust, the AEC is certainly my opportunities. But if I won’t step outside of my comfort zone and do something, I’ll be left behind and my opportunities will turn into crises. I won’t wait until I experience the impacts of it because it may be too late.

So don’t wait for the government to push this to a national agenda.

Don’t be unconcerned about this.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Prepare yourselves first and Start it now. I already start it. Now it’s your turn.


picture: http://www.thaibusinesspr.com 

Happiness is cat. Misery is dog.

When you feel really happy, don't worry, you'll get over it. Seriously I mean it.

Don't be too excited. I'm warning you now

'cuz you'll be really depressed when it's gone sooner than you expected.

Happiness won't last forever, you knew it right? It only comes and goes.

Someone may be lucky that their happiness comes to visit a lot more than the others.

But still... like everyone else their happiness only stays for awhile and then leave you for someone else

Mostly for your enemies. Haha… Ironic, right?

Mine...she may be lost on her way and forgot about me

'cuz she's been being lured by the truth and reality .

Don't worry she'll come to me someday,

If she isn’t ran over by the reality truck.

                I said 'she' 'cuz happiness is a woman... a B type woman... or a cat. 

You really obsessed about this charming kitty. You really want to get her attention,

Well, you'll never get it unless she wants you to.

And when you got a chance to be with her,

You will feel soooo good that you forget everything and everyone around you

It's like your world is brighter than ever and the time stops

But you know what? She does that only when she want something from you.

Once she got what she wanted she'll leave you alone and no one knows when she'll come back.

You just have to sit there and waiting in the dark.

I'm still waiting mine…

                I'm not pessimistic and I didn't mean to drag anyone into my misery

But what I said is true. You can deny it as much as you want

But the truth and reality won't go away.

Unlike Happiness, Reality,Truth and Misery are dogs.

They live in pack, like a family group.

Reality is the pack master. Truth is his mate

And the most cheerful member of the pack is Misery

Every time she met you, she always jumps at you freakin' hard

Sometimes it's enough to make you fall down on the ground

And can chase away the cat

Maybe you never realize it but this pack follows you everywhere you go

Being everywhere you are. Even when you think you're alone...

They must be out there somewhere finding the way back to you

And you think they'll leave you alone when you're tired from them?

No, that's not gonna happen... NEVER...EVER

Don't forget about their loyalty and faithfulness.

Those things are good. Everyone love being faithful to

But admit it...you still want lies from time to time, right? 

cuz too much truth can give you the pain in the ass

Oh right, Pain is a bitch, Misery's little sister.

This siblings is my best friends

since I met Reality and knew the existence of Truth.


Even though how much I adore Happiness,

I can't take my mind off of Misery and Pain.

You may not believe this but I love them, too

just as much as I loathe them.

So tell me, have I gone nuts?

If your answer is No that mean you're nuts too, right?

I don't know what I'm trying to say here
I'm a little confused lately.
Too much homeworks and personal problems really makes me sick.

well...uh... Let listen to a song!!! 
The lyrics are confusing just like me. (- -' ')

'Lithium' by Nirvana 

     By the way, the picture of maine coon cat above, 
I took it at Thailand cat show 2012. 
pretty isn't it?

Do you think schooled people are actually educated?


I think that not every schooled people are actually educated. There are three good reasons why I think that. First, some schools don’t inculcate a love of learning to their students. So, many students are concerned with passing the graduation test, not learning; getting good grades and not thorough understanding. Second, some students get used to following the instructions. Without the specific instructions, they become paralyzed when they have to do their tasks on their own. Only well-educated people can create their own way and make their own decisions to complete their task, so they can become a leader, not just respond a teacher’s desire. Finally, some schools don’t focus much on an ethic and moral lesson. In the competitive society, some well-schooled but ill-educated people can cheat to become successful without feeling guilty. On the other hand, well-educated people make a wise decision base on their value and moral, not cheating. Thus, not every well-schooled people is a well-educated people, because education is more than going to school, getting good grades, making a perfect resume or getting a job, but it’s a lifelong process of learning with a value and moral thought.
picture: http://blog.eduzones.com/ezine/8438