วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Do you think schooled people are actually educated?


I think that not every schooled people are actually educated. There are three good reasons why I think that. First, some schools don’t inculcate a love of learning to their students. So, many students are concerned with passing the graduation test, not learning; getting good grades and not thorough understanding. Second, some students get used to following the instructions. Without the specific instructions, they become paralyzed when they have to do their tasks on their own. Only well-educated people can create their own way and make their own decisions to complete their task, so they can become a leader, not just respond a teacher’s desire. Finally, some schools don’t focus much on an ethic and moral lesson. In the competitive society, some well-schooled but ill-educated people can cheat to become successful without feeling guilty. On the other hand, well-educated people make a wise decision base on their value and moral, not cheating. Thus, not every well-schooled people is a well-educated people, because education is more than going to school, getting good grades, making a perfect resume or getting a job, but it’s a lifelong process of learning with a value and moral thought.
picture: http://blog.eduzones.com/ezine/8438 

